Tuesday, November 29, 2011

More Meandering - Crossing the Sierras

There were many wonderful and incredible sights to see along the way as my eldest son and I drove from Illinois to California. My mother and I had made the trip many times to visit my elder brother after he moved to Colorado, so driving in the Rockies was not new to me. Actually, it was more riding than driving. Mom drove and I rode. Mom and I never got as far as California, so Tim (my son) and I were in for a wonderful surprise as we crossed the Sierras.

It was very definitely winter on the eastern side of the Sierras - no doubt about it. There were mounds of snow on either side of the highway and we had come through more than one icy patch. My son commented that he never knew I could drive that well in the mountains. I guess I showed him a thing or two! Isn't it nice when you can show your kids you can actually do more than they think you can?!

For as much as the eastern side of the Sierras was winter, the western side was absolutely spring! It was so shockingly obvious. We had driven from winter into spring. Everything was green, flowers were blooming, birds were singing, the sky was the loveliest shade of blue - a deep blue, darker than I had ever seen before. It was a most glorious day, one I will never forget. It felt like a "Welcome Home" from God.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Meanderings of the Mind

It's true, I have never blogged before. Yes, I've thought about it and quit before I'd begun. What is there to write about? Everyone knows their life is as boring as watching paint dry, right? Not so. To some people, my life is that boring; but, to others my life looks exciting, rewarding, and fulfilling. My money is on the latter rather than the former.

I'm a transplant from the Midwest, Illinois, to be more accurate. I said, "Good-bye" to the snow, sleet, and sub-zero temperatures in March 1997. A lot of things have happened since I wended my way through the mountains, over the plains, across rivers - much like those who heard the immortal words, "Go west, young man." The big difference was that I went west in comfort rather than a covered wagon.

As I look upon my life as it is now, I can honestly say that it is exciting, rewarding, and fulfilling. It will be fun to turn on the projector and "Roll 'em!" beginning with my next blog.

Thursday, November 17, 2011


Slowly, ever so slowly
A tiny shoot emerges
From the dead,
Frozen ground.

Life in its fragile strength,
Pushes its way through,
Determined to live.

Gently, the seedling unwraps its cloak
Pulsating with new life.
Pushing, pushing.

Sunshine greets our little
Warming her with
Gentleness and love,

Rain brings her nourishment,
Wind brings her strength,
And darkness
Brings the dawn.

Blossoms, profuse and fragrant
Bless all around her.
Stately and tall she stands
As a silent sentinel in her garden.

Slowly her bloom fades
And her petals fall.
One season has passed
And she retreats, only to bloom again.

© 1996 by Catherine Lewis